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This function generates the Shiny app. It is the main function of the package. The app can either be launched directly, or saved to a folder. If saved, that folder will contain all the code and data needed to run the app. The app can then be launched from the app.R file in the folder, or modified by editing server.R, ui.R, global.R and models.R there.


  eff_size_type_label = NA,
  models = get_model_tibble,
  filter_popups = list(),
  save_to_folder = NA,
  launch_app =,
  options = list()



Dataframe as returned from prepare_data()


Name of the dataset


The label to be used to describe the effect size. If NA, effect type code from dataset is used.


The models to be included in the app. Can either be a function to call, a tibble, or the path to a file. If you want to change the default models, have a look at the vignette and/or the get_model_tibble() documentation. Passing a file (e.g. "my_models.R") is particularly helpful if you include helper functions and save the app. If so, this must assign the tibble to a variable called models_to_run (i.e. using <-).


Named list with content for popup windows that provide further details on filter variables. They can contain HTML formatting, but should then be wrapped into HTML(), for instance: list(Year = HTML("<i>Note:</i><br>This refers to data collection if reported, otherwise the publication year.)


If specified, the code and data for the app will be saved to this folder. Defaults to NA, which means that nothing will be saved. If the folder exists, the user will be asked to confirm overwriting it - unless the script is run in non-interactive mode, in which case the folder will be overwritten without asking.


Should the app be launched? Defaults to TRUE if it is not saved (i.e. save_to_folder is NA), FALSE otherwise.


Arguments passed on to create_about


Date of the last update. Defaults to the current date.


Citation requested by the author. Defaults to an empty string.


Link to the OSF (or similar) project where data and materials are available. Defaults to an empty string.


Contact information, typically email. Defaults to an empty string.


Should all packages used by the app be listed on the About page? If TRUE, it list the packages used in the default configuration. To display different packages (e.g., because you added/removed models), pass a character vector with all packages to display.


List of more detailed options to customise your app. They all have sensible defaults and are thus rarely needed.

  • max_forest_plot_rows Numeric. What is the maximum number of effects for which a forest plot should be displayed? Defaults to 100. If more effect sizes are selected, a message is shown instead.

  • shiny_theme Character. One of the shinythemes that style the app. Defaults to "yeti", see ?shinythemes::shinythemes for all options.

  • selection_list_threshold Numeric. From how many filter levels should a selection box be shown instead of check boxes? Defaults to 6.


This function does not have a meaningful return value - it rather launches the Shiny app and/or saves it to disk.


# First, use prepare_data() to create your dataset.
if (exists("app_data")) {
    dataset_name = "Barroso et al 2021 - Maths Anxiety",
    eff_size_type_label = "Fisher's Z scores")