This function calculates a t.test() for any pair of levels in a
survey object. It does currently not do any p-value adjustment
for multiple comparisons, and print rather than returns the results.
svy_pairwise_t_test(data, dv, iv, cats, p.adjust = "holm", ...)
A survey object
Character. Name of the dependent variable for the t.test (numeric)
Character. Name of the grouping variable for the t.test (factor)
Character vector of factor levels to be included in the pairwise tests. If set to NULL, all levels are used.
Method to adjust p-values for multiple comparisons. One of "holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr" or "none".
Arguments passed on to svy_cohen_d_pair
Logical. Should t.test be run? Otherwise, only Cohen's d is calculated. Defaults to TRUE.
Logical. Should results be printed.
A tibble with t-test results and Cohen's d for each pair