New capabilities

  • Added run_mediation() to estimate and plot_mediation() to visualize parallel mediation models.
  • Added na_when() to set values to NA based on logical conditions, and na_ifs() to replace multiple values with NA.
  • Added make_scale_mi() to estimate scale scores and Cronbach’s alpha after multiple-imputation at the item level. According to Gottschall, West & Enders (2012), this is one of the best ways to deal with item-level missing data. If requested, the function can bootstrap confidence intervals, using the future-package for parallel computing.
  • Added pcor_matrix() to calculate partial correlation matrices after parceling out one or several variable.
  • Added run_and_format() to run any code and return formatted code and output for sharing - in the style of reprex::reprex() but without creating a new session (intended for teaching or sharing code examples, rather than bug reporting).


  • make_scale() now has a proration_cutoff argument to specify the maximum share of missing data ignored in each case. This offers a simple way to improve on casewise deletion for handling missing data, without getting scale scores based on an insufficient subset of items. [NB: This is a breaking change, earlier versions implicitly had a proration_cutoff of 1, returning scale scores if at least one item was present - which is indefensible when there is a lot of missing data.]
  • Added summary text to descriptives returned by make_scale()
  • Enabled report_lm_with_std() to show R2 change for more than one pair of models
  • Added option to use t.test()-style formula notion in pairwise_t_tests()
  • Allow automatic reverse-coding in make_scales()
  • report_cor_table() now ensures correct ordering of extra columns if row_names column is included
  • Added tidy.svy_cor_matrix() to tidy survey-weighted correlation matrices
  • Renamed wtd_cor_matrix_mi() to cor_matrix_mi() to reflect that weights are optional
  • Added output to README (by using README.Rmd) to make it more informative
  • fmt_p() gained a equal_sign argument that determines whether p-values that are reported precisely are prefixed with “=”

Bug fixes

New capabilities

  • Added svy_miss_var_summary() to quickly check for missing data in survey objects
  • Added polr_std() function to run proportional-odds model with continuous predictors standardised (analogous to lm_std())
  • Added dummy_code() for creating k-1 dummies with tidy names
  • Added report_anova() to report F-tests for model comparisons (limited functionalities at present)


  • Added a broom-like tidier for correlation matrices returned by cor_matrix()
  • Added time to temporary filenames used by ggplot_save()

Bug fixes