Report correlations, regressions and summariesFunctions to create publication-ready tables for common analysis tasks |
Create a summary table for categorical variables and their relationship with a continuous outcome variable |
Create a correlation table with summary statistics in APA style |
Create a summary table comparing standardized and non-standardized linear models |
Create a summary table comparing standardized and non-standardized proportional odd logistic regression models |
Calculate correlation matricesIt can be surprisingly difficult to calculate correlation matrices, particularly when data is weighted or incomplete. These functions help and prepare data for |
Calculate correlation matrix with significance tests and descriptives |
Create a (weighted) correlation matrix from multiply imputed data |
Create a correlation matrix from multiply imputed data with weights |
Calculates a partial correlation matrix controlling for one or more variables |
Create a correlation matrix from survey data with summary statistics |
Tidy a correlation matrix |
Tidy a survey-weighted correlation matrix |
Formatters and reporting helpersFunctions to format numbers for statistical reporting and other helpers for statistical reporting |
Format confidence interval based on the bounds |
Format number as correlation coefficient |
Format p-value in line with APA standard (no leading 0) |
Format fraction as percentage string |
Round function that returns trailing zeroes |
Round all numeric columns in dataframe |
Significance stars for p-values |
Get letters to indicate results of multiple comparisons/post-hoc tests |
Report (model comparison) ANOVA tests |
Rename variables and/or their levels |
Get code to generate tibbles to rename categorical variables and their levels |
Get code to rename model coefficients in summary tables |
Calculate share of NA-values in vector |
Cut a continuous variable into given proportions |
Helper function to style gt-table in APA style |
Add plots into gt table column |
Create distribution charts to show in descriptive table |
Tidy a correlation matrix |
Tidy multiple imputation models created with |
Tidy a survey-weighted correlation matrix |
Helper function to enable tidiers to be used on standardized models |
Glance a multiple imputation |
Run and plot mediation modelsMediation models can be estimated with lavaan. These functions offer a simple interface and an integrated path from modeling to visualisation |
Conduct (parallel) mediation analysis |
Plot mediation model with one or more mediators |
Plot a moderated mediation model |
Make and assess scalesPsychologists often use multiple items to measure a construct. These functions create scale scores and assess reliability (internal consistency) |
Create a scale by calculating item mean and returns descriptives |
Create multiple scales by calculating item means and return descriptives |
Create a scale based on multiple imputation at item level |
Calculate Spearman-Brown reliability for two-item scale |
Statistical testsSome functions to facilitate running common tests with less common requirements |
lm() with standardised continuous variables |
polr() with standardised continuous variables |
t-test() on multiply-imputed data (accepts survey weights) |
Paired t.test with Cohen's d |
Pairwise t-tests() returned in tidy dataframe |
Pairwise t.tests with effect sizes and survey weights |
Pairwise t-tests() on multiply-imputed data (accepts survey weights) |
Report F-test for significance of multiply imputed lm models |
Survey functionsFunctions to work with survey data |
t.test for survey object with Cohen's d |
Create a correlation matrix from survey data with summary statistics |
Create scale by calculating item mean and returns descriptives for srvyr objects |
Create overview over missing data in survey object |
Pairwise t.tests with effect sizes and survey weights |
Demo datasets |
Sample data: health data from the European Social Survey Wave 7 |
Sample data: World Values Survey |
Workflow functionsMiscellaneous functions that can improve your workflow, from setting up structured analysis projects to using the clipboard |
Set up analysis project folder and script files |
Copy data to clipboard to paste into Excel |
Dump objects to clipboard (to transfer them between R sessions) |
Run a code snippet and copy formatted code and output to clipboard |
Convert a tibble/dataframe to tribble code |
Turn line of items separated by whitespace into vector or code for c() |
Save ggplot-graph and show in folder |
Dummy-code variable |
Set variable to NA when it has specific values |
Set variable to NA based on conditions |
Miscellaneous |
Functions to Accelerate (Academic) Data Analysis and Reporting |
Knitr S3 method to print tables |
Renders HTML code for Viewer pane |
Paste arguments while ignoring NAs |